Saturday, 24 August

Hunter Rugby Union held its 2024 Grand Finals at No.2 Sportsground today, results being:

  • Premier 1: Merewether Carlton 41 d Maitland 25

  • Premier 2: Wanderers 29 d University 24

  • Premier 3: Southern Beaches 17 d Maitland 16

  • Women: Wanderers 17 d Hamilton 0

  • Suburban: Singleton Red 27 d Cooks Hill 5

The John Hipwell Medal for ‘Man of the Match’ was won by Merewether Carlton No.10, Sam Bright. In a popular decision, the medal was presented before a large crowd of supporters and onlookers by John’s nephew, Nathan Hipwell.




Former players, relatives and supporters came from as far as Brisbane, Mullumbimby, Kempsey, Sydney and even Newcastle! for a great 2024 Sports Luncheon earlier this month.

It was a packed house at Hamilton North Bowling Club on 2 August for the annual get-together and fundraiser with many guests saying it was the best for many years.

The function acknowledged all the club’s living and past NSW players with the presentation of caps from NSW Rugby as part of its 150th Anniversary celebrations.

Players from five of our Grand Final teams in 1964, 1974 and 1984 were also recognised with Jim Hines and Terry Petersen attended from one of the 1964 teams.

General Manager of NSW Rugby’s Positive Rugby Foundation, Peter Murphy, gave a great informal but informative speech after which the Old Boys’ Association announced it would make a donation to the Foundation from proceeds on the day.

President of the club’s Old Boys, Paul Paisley, said the association had been organising a special presentation for many weeks for The Waratahs where five living New South Wales representatives and relatives of up to seven NSW players from the club who have passed away would be presented with a NSW Rugby cap by Peter.

Four of the five living NSW players attended the luncheon to receive their cap. They were (playing year order):

  • Ron Harvey (five eighth) – 4 matches - 1955 & 1958 - NSW Cap No. 907

  • Michael Fitzgerald (fullback) – 1 match - 1975 - NSW Cap No. 1161

  • Peter McPherson (wing) – 2 matches - 1979 - NSW Cap No. 1196

  • Declan Curran (front row) – 11 matches -1980-83 - NSW Cap No. 1209

Unfortunately, our fifth player - Peter Horton (hooker) – 12 matches - 1971-76 – NSW Cap No. 1118 (also 34 matches for Queensland 1977-79) - is overseas and sent his apologies.

Relatives of six of the club’s seven NSW players who have passed away accepted our invitation to the luncheon and were presented with a cap on behalf of their family member.

Find more details about the luncheon and ‘anniversary teams’ by clicking on the heading posted in the right column.



Sunday, 23 June

Three former players from The Waratahs have been included in the new NSW Rugby’s Hall of Fame which was announced at the NSW Waratahs 2024 Season Awards Night last Thursday night.

Our three inductees are:

  • Cyril Burke        — 1946-1958     37 caps

  • John Hipwell    — 1968-1981     27 caps

  • Kelly Slager      — 1996

In total, 47 male inductees and 15 female inductees were announced at the function last. A full list is available by logging onto www.waratahs.rugby/news

Full article can be read by clicking on article in right column.



The Tahs have achieved their bi-annual re-accreditation for Good Sports certification.

The Level 3 accreditation means we have a strong, healthy and family-friendly club.


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The Waratahs Rugby Union Club play home matches at Waratah Oval.


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One of the club’s great sponsors - Churchills Carpet Court